Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day too and still not a bad week

Tuesday, October 8, 2013 I'm in a 5th and 6th grade Math class that changes so I don't have the same kids all day. For the most part, things are fine. The teacher in the class is very neat and organized, which is great! Clean and coherent lesson plan for the day and students were explained the assignment the day before so unless they are just messing with me, the students knew what they had to do. Of course, there will always be that one student in each class that will test me. The good thing about these classes today is that no one in the room found it the least bit funny and so that worked to my advantage. I hate it when a kids wastes my time with questions they either don't care about getting the answer to or just want to play dumb with me. I generally walk away without giving help to those students but this kid had diarrhea of the mouth...he just kept up with comments and then started smarting off to me about how did I get to be a teacher and other insults. Instead of humiliating the kid in front of his classmates, I asked him to step out of the room. This didn't seem to make a difference but I told him he need to change his attitude and stop with the comments. All he did was walk back in still running his mouth. I have a feeling the teacher will do something about this because one student mentioned detention if anyone was acting out in class while he was gone. So I have left a note about this student : ) Other than that, the classes were great. I did have a class working on a math magazine with questions they were not prepared to answer. I just told them to try their best because I really couldn't begin to teach them new math concepts. I always leave a nice note for the teacher. I try to compliment them or their students because I would hate to hear only negative parts of the day. Plus it really isn't fair to the students that work hard when it is only a couple that seem to ruin it for the rest. But so far, my week of picky school picking is paying off! I haven't had to yell which is good because I am coughing a lot and not sleeping well. If I had to yell I might lose my voice all together!

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